Nu till lördagen, Allt började hemma hos mig, ja black mamba o jakoc drack som idjuter o snackade skit. Denna gång handlade de om spermier och nått med gener och nått med ägg och tvillingar, sån bullshit. Därefter började vi diskutera om hur ett storslavien skulle se ut, hehe fucking revolutionärer fan.
Vi kom in till stan vid 12 tiden, stack till morfars där vi träffade väldigt mycket folk, de va nice. Jag lyckas smuggla ut öl från morfars tills ja står i kön utanför gastons då den kvinnliga vakten från morfars hur fucking snabbt som helst snor flaskan o springer in till morfars, ja skiter i det tills ja kommer på att ja precis köpt coronan o knappt druckit nått. Ja drar till morfars snacker me henne o får tillbaks ölen o dricker upp skiten ;)
Vi var på alla ställen till o me moon, som va helt tomt. Men inne mårtensson va de bäst. Vi såg nån av systrarna graaf. haha ja orkar inte berätta mer men fråga black mamba så får ni ett roligt svar.
Ny desgin o annan skit.
Idag hade ja tråkigt o lyckades hitta en blogg som hjälper en designa sin egna blogg. Ja mixtrade o trixade i hela 3 timmar. Fan va jobbigt de va, men resultatet blev ganska lyckat.
Skriv gärna va ni tycker om designen, finns de nått som är störaden eller bra?
Nu ska ja käka innna ja drar iväg till morfars / PEACE
Basket i Helsingborg
På vägen hem utanför ängelholm började det snöa rejält,. vägen var full me snö o de va typ omöjligt att se mer än 10 meter framför sig.
Vi kom hem vid 7-8, de va meningen att jag skulle plugga men orkade inte. istället ringde matija o vi stack tillsammans med mike till morfars. På morfars träffade vi några kompisar som vi oxå spenderade hela kvällen med. De va roligt men ja va så fucking trött. Vi kom hem 3 o ja somnade direkt.
Asså de va fan en jobbig lördag, o ja pallar inte göra den mer intressant, läs inklägget eller kolla bara på klippet.
Uppvärmingen, klipp från matchen kommer senare då det tog så jävla lång tid att ladda upp det försa klippet...
Kolla in en cool modesida, eller de e inte bara mode utan allt möjligt. Passar både killar o tjejer!!!
Kolla in sidan http://www.gratismode.se/?c=40845
Titta va ja hitta på första sidan på Fibauerope.com
Teams sure have one ‘helluva' hard time getting wins in places like Skopje, and that's a big reason why Macedonia are back in the EuroBasket next year.
Led by the veteran guard and captain Vrbica Stefanov, and thanks to the dynamic, all-round performances
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Coach Jovica Arsic will lead MAcedonia at EuroBasket 2009. |
On Saturday, they discovered they would go up against Greece and Croatia - two national sides that played at this summer's Olympics - and nemesis Israel.
The Israelis beat Macedonia at the EuroBasket in 1999, and in the decisive game of the Additional Qualifying Tournament last year for EuroBasket 2007. The Croatians have also won their two encounters when the stakes were high, during qualifying for EuroBasket 2003.
Rather than quake in their boots with what appears to be a very tough draw, Stefanov and Macedonia are excited.
"When the qualifications finished, when we topped our group, all of us were aware of the task in front of us," Stefanov said.
"All I can say is that every single one of us in the national team wished to play against Greece, to finally see what we are made of.
"Now we have that chance, so let's use it."
The challenge for Macedonia will be psychological as well because they will not have the rabid support they enjoy at home, though thousands of fans are expected to travel to the city of Poznan for the Group A games from places like Skopje.
"I personally think that we can match all three opponents," Stefanov said.
"The Greek side is the favorite in our group, we know Croatia and especially Israel very well and this is a chance to finally get over the Israel syndrome.
"Nobody is invincible, so is the case in our group.
"We started the preparations the first moment we found out who our opponents would be."
To advance from the group would be a fitting end to what is expected to be the last international games for Stefanov, who turns 35 on December 19.
"It will all depend on our performance," he said.
"This might be the end of a generation that played for more than 10 years together, so we want to use the opportunity to leave a mark in the history of Macedonian basketball."
Jovica Arsic, the coach of Madedonia, says it's okay to be excited but he has also urged everyone to keep their feet on the ground.
"Now we have extra motivations, so we have to use that moment in our favor," he said.
"We should concentrate on all three games and use every single chance that is given. We have to stay calm, on the ground, to prepare well so that we can match our opponents in the first phase.
"The competition system demands games every day so we must be focused all the time. It is more likely to win against Israel, a team that comes from the fourth pot than against Greece, the first pot team, but I won't exclude anything."
In their one and so far only EuroBasket appearance in 1999, Macedonia finished 13th and Greece were 16th while Croatia were 11th and Israel ninth.
The best performance of any national basketball side from the country is fourth place at the European Championship for Cadets in 1995.
The Greek basketball fans will be well aware of Macedonia, and particularly Stefanov (AEK and Olympiacos), Pero Antic (AEK) and Jeremiah Massey (ARIS) who used to play in Greece.
Dimitar Mirakovski currently plays in the Greek second division (Ago Rethimno Almeco, Greece-A2).
Gecevski, meanwhile, needs no introduction as he is arguably the best player and the captain of Croatian side Zadar.
Basketstjärna svär på jugge ;)
Otroligt nog hittade jag detta klipp på youtube, här ser ni basketstjärnan Kobe Bryant svära på jugge när han skjuter straffkast. Skit asså, vad händer med världen när alla börjar svära på jugge ;)
Ali G o Basket
Kolla bara in galning Ali g när han intervjuar basketstjärnorna i NBA!!!
Matchen i Höganäs!!
Hmmm, när jag skulle kolla vilka bilder jag från min d-cam (för er som inte förstår så är det min digital kamera).
Som vanligt finns det inga vanliga bilder, utan alla är typ riktiga bullshitbilder.
Lite bullshit om matchen; det andra laget bestod av bara letter med en jugge coach, o en svensk som spelade i 30 sec. De va bra och inget mer. De va allt om matchen, en riktigt bullshit match,
Här kommer bilderna o kanske en video, vi får se......

Hehehe, its the makandrive ;)

Ooo its the OOOO- gang from Halmstad, flying all around halland and hanging around;)
Shit asså, hur fan kunde jag glömma Dawgs vinsten!!!!
Asså de är ingen som frågat varför jag inte postat ett inlägg om halmstad dawgs vinst mot malmöiterna i söndags. De va en riktigt grym match med ett najs flow. Halmstad Dawgs ledde hela matchen och lyckades vinna med 102-97. De va en riktigt rysare mot slutet när malmöiterna knappade in till 2 poängsskillnad. Men efter några lyckade fastbreaks i lite andra grejer lyckades halmstad dawgs sticka iväg med 5 poäng o vann.
Bilder o lite annan skit kan ni hitta på http://benora.blogg.se/
YEEEEES!! shit va nice

Bild på Makedonska basketlandslaget i den nya arenan i skopje ;)
The players of Macedonia's basketball team are the new heroes in their country and it's not just because they have booked a place in next year's EuroBasket in Poland.
No, sports fans in the country couldn't help but admire the passion and flair Jovica Arsic's men showed in their qualifying campaign.
"We will not stop here," said 35-year-old Macedonian captain Vrbica Stefanov.
"We will go to Poland to represent our country, to show our personality, to give another dimension to the basketball world.
"We will all start the new season in our teams with pleasure, and with the greatest desire to show our best at the EuroBasket next year."
Macedonia edged out Latvia for first place in Group B of EuroBasket Division A with Portugal third and Estonia fourth.
The successful summer wasn't lost on anyone.
It turned out to be a state occasion.
The second greatest success of Macedonia basketball (after competing in the final round in France nine years ago) was recognized by the country's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who welcomed the players to his office.
There, he promised to follow the team in Poland, although he wasn't able to be at the qualification games due to state matters.
"The country thanks you for the joy that you gave us," he said.
The Basketball Federation of Macedonia, which has received pledges of support from the government and the state agency for youth and sports, is already working on ‘Project Poland'.
"This is a mega project for us," said Daniel Dimevski, the president of the basketball federation.
"I hope that the entire nation enjoyed this achievement and this success, one of the greatest in our independent history.
"I am pleased that our country is feeling proud of winning our group. We will show that our place is with the best of Europe.
"All of us being part of this event will give our maximum to represent our country in the best way possible."
The celebration after the last game, Macedonia's 87-75 win over Estonia on Saturday which gave the team a 4-2 record, carried over from the basketball court to the Cuban restaurant in Skopje that is renowned for evening parties.
The establishment is owned by a basketball legend in Macedonia and an Olympic silver medalist with Yugoslavia, Blagoja Georgievski Bustur.
He was more than pleased to welcome the Macedonian players to his club, and to give them some advice on being top level players.
That evening, there was an even more landmark occasion.
Macedonia's national team manager Ilija Merganovski agreed to have the mustache he had worn for more than 20 years shaved off.
Pero Antic performed the "operation" and was assisted by fellow star player Todor Gecevski.
"It was a promise that I had to keep," Merganovski said.
"I am not sorry for my loss, the mustache will grow back, hopefully to celebrate another success in Poland."
YEEEAAAH, shit va nice.